UPSC CSE-2011 Notification

Finally the UPSC CSE 2011 Notification has arrived. Now UPSC is directly uploading the entire notification that is being published in Employment News in .pdf form, which is easier to print and archive.
Online Application shall remain active till 11:59 PM on March 23, 2011.
The dimension of Candidate's Photograph and Signature required in Part-II Registration is as follows:

  • Candidate's Photograph : 110 X 140 pixels | .PNG or .JPG | <40KB
  • Signature : 110 X 140 pixels | .PNG or .JPG | <40 KB | In Black Ink only
Payment(for non-SC/ST males) could be made using SBI Challan, SBI NetBanking or Debit Card/Credit Card.

For further details, please refer the instructions for filling up the form Online.

With just 112 days to go, best wishes to myself and everyone aspiring for CSE-2011.